
The partners of the project:

Stichting Netwerkpro, Netherlands – Project Coordinator


Netwerkpro is a social enterprise that focuses on improving the professional standing of women. For us, building and maintaining a personal network is an essential part of achieving this objective. To this end, we facilitate and enable connections between program participants, local networks, companies and governments.

Our goal is to contribute to a positive change in thinking or behavior within participants, stakeholders and communities. We are experienced in designing and implementing programs, in collaboration with municipalities, organizations and employers. With our projects, we contribute to social cohesion and successful integration of people with a distance to the labor market or society, through network building and utilizing local opportunities.

Synthesis Center for Research and Education Ltd., Cyprus – Project Partner

Established in 2002, SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is a pioneering organization which designs and implements research and educational projects with social impact. SYNTHESIS is Cyprus’ leader in social innovation and social entrepreneurship; it founded Hub Nicosia, a social innovation hub which houses and supports entrepreneurs and organizations with a social mission. In a world surrounded with conflict and exclusion of many forms, SYNTHESIS aspires to take part in actions that improve individual lives, enhance social inclusion, and contribute to a green and sustainable future, for the people and the planet.

Cooperative Sociale Glocal Factory, Italy – Project Partner

Glocal Factory” – social Co-operative was born on January 8th, 2018, as a natural evolution of the Association having the same name, founded in 2015 by a group of experts and volunteers – with different age and studies’ background – engaged in European projects in the social and educational fields. Some of its members can boast an experience of many decades in laying out and implementing EU funded projects.

The Co-operative focuses their attention on:

  • Innovation of contents and methods in formal, non- formal and informal learning for children, adolescents and adults;
  • School, work and social inclusion of disadvantaged and vulnerable persons and groups;
  • Fight against racism and xenophobia;
  • Opposition to the violence against women and children;
  • Well-being of young people, quality of youth work;
  • Experimentation of new forms of Communitarian and Generative Welfare;
  • Promotion of “social economy” and sustainable development.

LAG Napoca Porolissum, Romania – Project Partner

LAG Napoca Porolissum is a public-private partnership financed through the LEADER program of the National Program for Rural Development. The LAG was founded in 2011 and it has 49 partners (14 localities and 35 from the private sector). Our 17 employees with individual employment contract are involved in different project. The Association has English and French speakers.

In order to develop and implement the two local strategies, LAG Napoca Porolissum underwent a very rigorous analysis of its territory. Thus, the local strategies are highly oriented to local context and its potential.

Our LAG uses a  ”bottom-up” approach in order to contribute to the socio-economic development of its territory. LAG Napoca Porolissum is working to demonstrate that local development is the key to attract projects, skills, opportunities and networks for community growth. The main objectives of the LAG are: facilitating the development of agriculture through promoting and organizing short supply chains; processing and marketing of local products; organizing producer groups; getting a balanced and sustainable local development; creation of jobs through promoting social inclusion and reducing poverty and the development of the economy in poor areas.

FO-Aarhus, Denmark – Project Partner

FO-Aarhus is a non-governmental, non-profit association and self-owned with an elected board of governors coming from private companies, public administration, and the formal and vocational education sector. FO-Aarhus basic expertise lies in Non-formal adult education for the general public and specialization in programs that help disadvantaged groups – e.g. immigrants, unemployed people, people with learning disabilities, dyslectics, people with mental issues – to enhance their quality of life and to integrate (or re-integrate) into society and the work force. The aim is to strengthen the participants’ personal, social and vocational competences as a stepping-stone to re-education, re-inclusion into the job market or further education. At present, FO-Aarhus has over 45 local and European projects that contribute to this this aim, for instance by helping citizens get a job, learning a new language or to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.